Advanced validation tool for pet policy

Insurance companies are not always able to validate the consistency of pet information disclosed at the quotation stage or when a new pet policy is initiated.

Thanks to PET Check, pet insurers can now instantly verify pet details like age, breed, sex, species and pre-existing conditions, as well as their policy holders' claims history.

Simply enter the pet’s name, address, date of birth, sex, species, breed and policy holder name, and you will immediately receive, through a traffic light model, a suite of KPIs including any inconsistencies identified and the level of confidence.

Covered industries

Business People 16 400

Granularity for greater control over your data

The tool provides the ability to drill down to the fine details, enabling the underwriting team to validate and discuss the discrepancies found with the customer early in the policy lifecycle, thus ensuring the policy is underwritten according to the true risk involved.

Easy API integration

The solution is designed to support a hybrid approach for those customers looking to minimise the API integration effort. In fact, while pet information is automatically submitted via API, drilling-down into the fine details reported is possible via an easy-to-use web app made available to the policy underwriting team to investigate policy applications showing discrepancies.

Business People 15 400 (1)

Key benefits

Improved Loss Ratio

Real-time data enrichment enables advanced risk assessment and policy quotation optimisation by improving the loss ratio.

Mitigating Underwriting Fraud

Enhanced data validation effectively mitigates the risk of underwriting fraud and mis-representation.

Speeding Up Underwriting Review

Underwriting team equipped with a tool for a timely intervention either before or immediately after the policy inception (e.g. policy premium review or cancelation).

Enhancing Customer Experience

Early data inconsistency detection reduces disputes with genuine customers later at the claim stage.

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