Streamlining credit decision processes

CRIF Loan Origination System is a tailored solution designed to create, manage and automate decisioning processes, workflows and disbursement.

Powered by both traditional and innovative data sources such as open banking and carbon footprint information, our system fosters automatic and reliable credit decisions.

Thanks to CRIF Loan Origination System you can minimise manual data input and paper documentation, ensuring a swift and dependable response.

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Facilitating customised workflows

Its flexible nature enables automatic and reliable credit decisions, thus revolutionising your approach to loan origination. This comprehensive system orchestrates the end-to-end credit journey, beginning from the pre-screening phase, moving through underwriting and decisioning, and finally, automatic disbursement.

Key Features

CRIF Loan Origination System has several key features that include a pre-screening phase, an efficient workflow system, underwriting and decision processes, and interfaces for disbursement and back-end systems.

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Key benefits

Increased Flexibility

Manage all bank products and customer segments using just one system.

Optimised Operations

Reduced operating costs, controlled risk costs, and lower IT impact, all contributing to a swifter 'time-to-yes'.

Efficient Processes

Reduced time-to-cash, a smooth customer experience, and a paperless process.

Success Stories

Tier-1 Bank

From a standard to advanced origination solution. We helped a Tier-1 Bank automate their credit processes, based on workflow and decision engine, and integrate pre-existing information sources. This resulted in a 38% decrease of time-to-cash and 24% reduction of print and archive costs.

Success Stories

Leading European Financial Services Company

Automated rating and decision engine for car financing across multiple countries. The client needed to automate the rating process while implementing a decision engine and reducing costs. The results: +10% increase in automated approval, +15% increase in fast application decisions, and -25% in running costs.

Success Stories

Online Retail Bank

The client needed to automate loan origination process while improving multichannel experience and automatic approval. The results: +300% volume of applicants processed, 55% savings in underwriting capacity, and -50% time to cash.

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