Automating end-to-end credit processes

CRIF Foundation Framework (CFF), a robust platform built to address the ever-increasing needs of digital transformation, will help you elevate your business processes. We provide an omnichannel experience personalised to your business needs by leveraging the power of the cloud.

Our agile, flexible, and innovative business process management (BPM) systems provide efficiency and accuracy in your credit origination, case management, remote real estate appraisal, and more.

CFF enables organisations to automate end-to-end processes by integrating all systems involved in order to deliver either pre-defined or custom-tailored solutions that meet your specific credit processing needs.

Covered industries

Icon InsuranceInsurance Icon BankingBanking
Business People 20 400

Why Choose CRIF Foundation Framework?

CFF gives you complete control over your business activities. Track each step of the process, including status and activity logs, to ensure maximum straight-through processing. Our platform is designed to support any geographic, channel, credit products, and market segments across your entire enterprise. Our process composition technology embeds best practices, supports API, and Open Banking with an innate focus on productivity.

Boost Your Business

Business administration, omnichannel forms, audit trails, and native integration with StrategyOne, are just a few of the features that CFF offers to make it easier for you to manage your business operations.

CFF gives you the tools you need to author and test your business process, manage users and profiles, or integrate external services. Our extensive library of almost 60 connectors and continuous development driven by business needs ensures that your business stays ahead of the curve.

Business People 40 400

Key benefits

Unparalleled Control

Offering online tracking, traceability, and integrated measurement of business processes against KPI and SLA objectives.

For insurance companies

Global Scalability

With native tools to support multi-culture and multilingual solutions, CFF serves many countries with just one installation.

Flexible Modularity

Separate your business process management and decision management for optimised operations.

Comprehensive Connector Framework

Using REST and SOAP web service technologies, we have a large selection of ready-to-use connectors that enable smooth data integration.

Success Stories

Tier-1 Bank

From a standard to advanced origination solution. We helped a Tier-1 Bank automate their credit processes, based on workflow and decision engine, and integrate pre-existing information sources. This resulted in a 38% decrease of time-to-cash and 24% reduction of print and archive costs.


Online Retail Bank

The client needed to automate loan origination process while improving multichannel experience and automatic approval. The results: +300% volume of applications processed, 55% savings in underwriting capacity, and -50% time to cash.

Success Stories

Leading European Financial Services Company

Automated rating and decision engine for car financing across multiple countries. The client needed to automate the rating process while implementing a decision engine and reducing the costs. The results: +10% increase in automated approval, +15% increase in fast application decisions, and -25% in running costs.

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