The Business Credit Score

Navigating the financial landscape can be complex and challenging for SMEs, insurance companies and consumers. Understanding how the financial system perceives your business and harnessing this knowledge to boost your financial health is essential. 

Credit Passport® for SMEs, a dynamic credit scoring system designed with business needs in mind, is built on the international banking standards and leveraging the power of Open Banking.

It provides a real-time, clear, and comprehensive view of a business's financial health. This secure platform not only presents an instantly recognisable rating scale but also offers actionable insights to help build stability and enhance financial resilience.

By offering direct access to an SME's open banking profile, it provides a detailed and dynamic view of an SME's creditworthiness, paving the way for informed decision-making, efficient risk management, and strategic planning.

Discover how Credit Passport® can transform your approach to SME financing and insurance today.

Covered industries

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Open banking data and advanced analytics

CRIF enables banks and other financial institutions – including insurers and alternative lenders – to harness open banking data and advanced analytics to understand their retail and business customers in more detail and deliver highly personalised services with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

By leveraging access to and sharing banking data, CRIF helps you build services that are more targeted to the needs of your SME clients and add a new dimension of value to your insurance propositions.

How can banks, insurers and brokers access their SME clients’ open banking profiles?

Credit Passport is a real-time credit report used by banks, alternative lenders, and comparison platforms, which provides the most accurate and current view of an SME’s credit quality.

New opportunities exist for partnerships and distribution in wider cross-industry ecosystems, and new solutions are available to fully embrace open insurance.

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Key benefits

SMEs can join Credit Passport for free

SMEs can understand how healthy their performance is and find out their score in less than a minute.

For financial Institutions

Discover company solvency

Insurers and brokers can benefit from an “augmented” knowledge of their SME clients by accessing real-time open banking data.

Other solutions

Open Banking Suite CRIF

Open Banking Suite

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Categorisation Engine & Analytics CRIF

Categorisation Engine & Analytics

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