New ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) legislation came into force on 6 April 2022 enshrining the previously voluntary regulations created by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and affects over 1,300 of the UK’s largest traded companies, including banks and insurers.


What does this mean for insurance companies and business?

Topics covered:

We have combined our research, knowledge and expertise in the ESG field. You will learn more about:

  • What are the origins of ESG?
  • What does ESG mean for insurers?
  • Reputation opportunities and risks for companies
  • The areas covered under the three elements of an ESG policy
  • ESG reporting
  • Supply Chain Risk
  • Greenwashing
  • How to create an ESG score for your business

Related resources

ESG In Insurance, CRIF

ESG in Insurance

What ESG means for insurers.

Read more
Esg And Supply Chain Risks CRIF

ESG Opportunities and Risks

ESG for insurers and insights into how to navigate the opportunities and risks.

Read more
Sustainability, What Is ESG, CRIF


Demand for ESG reporting and metrics has reached the mainstream.

Read more