October 23, 2019


CRIF is organising CRIF Cyber Safe Day to help any business in any sector to identify their cyber risk exposure and severity.

Would you like to understand your or your customers’ cyber risks?


Request a FREE cyber risk profile to identify your or your customers’ risk exposure and severity. On 23rd October, during CRIF Cyber Safe Day, CRIF will be offering a FREE cyber risk scan to any UK-based company.

Simply go to www.crifcybercheck.co.uk, complete the brief form including your or your customer’s domain to allow us to perform the screening, and you will receive a Cyber Check Summary shortly after.

Cyber risk is now very high on the threat matrix for many small and medium-sized businesses and especially those holding sensitive information or trading online.

According to the Government’s 2018 Cyber Security Breaches Survey, 43% of SMEs in the UK have experienced a cyber breach. For this reason, CRIF’s primary goal is to help make cyber risk management accessible to SMEs across all sectors and industries, placing screening at the heart of the business to support GDPR compliance and protect both the business and brand reputation.

Start getting cyber risk under control now!